Friday, February 19, 2016

Winter Break and Superintendent Survey

Parents, Students, Teachers and Staff,

I want to wish you all a relaxing break next week.  I have found that my own challenges - with work, students, or colleagues -- can grow to seem overwhelming during the day-to-day grind of the school year.  Winter Break can provide a little bit of time for me to regain some perspective.  It helps me remember that we have a strong and resilient community, and we are all working towards the same goals. Plus, pitchers and catchers reported today so all is right in the world again!

I also have a small request.  I find it helpful to get feedback directly from you all.  Here is a very short survey about my performance as a superintendent. Before March 4, please take a few minutes to fill it out to let me know how I am doing.  Thanks!


Chip McGee
The mission of the Bedford School District is to develop a community of learners who are intellectually curious, resourceful, and respectful of self and others. Academic achievement, through constantly improving standards, is the district's highest priority.

Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools
Bedford School District
103 County Road
Bedford NH 03110
Phone: (603) 472-3755
Fax: (603) 472-2567

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2 hour delay Feb 16, 2016

All classes will have a two hour delay today.  This will give time for the department of public works to clear the roads and our maintenance department to clear access to our schools. It will also give time for the temperature to rise. There will be no AM Kindergarten and no AM Preschool.  Stay dry. Thank you.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Bedford School Employees Trained in Suicide Postvention

On December 09, 2015, twelve Bedford School District employees completed a 3-day Connect Suicide Prevention Training Program in sudden death to include suicide, conducted by NAMI NH, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. School staff trainers are: Michelle Ouellette, School Nurse at Riddle Brook School; Ali Puffer, School Counselor at Bedford High School; Lisa Pleate, Guidance Counselor at Memorial School; Carol Houde, Clinical Psychologist for Bedford School District; Zanna Blaney, Dean of Student Services at Bedford High School; Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools; Donna LaRue, Youth Counselor for Lurgio Middle School and Bedford High School; Bill Demers, Assistant Principal at Lurgio Middle School; Claudette Stone, Behavior Specialist at Lurgio Middle School; Mike Fournier, Principal of McKelvie Intermediate School; Priscilla McGinty, Guidance Counselor at McKelvie Intermediate School; and Cheryl Daley, Principal of Peter Woodbury School.
Everyone plays a part in suicide prevention.  NAMI NH is collaborating with the Makin’ It Happen Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Coalition to implement the Connect Program across the region. Postvention training promotes healing and reducing risk for all community members in the aftermath of a sudden death, to include suicide.  For more information about this recent training initiative, please contact Chip McGee, Bedford Superintendent, at #472-3755 ext. 7 or at  For more information on the Connect Program and suicide prevention efforts in New Hampshire, go to or to

 School staff trainers from left to right are: Michelle Ouellette, School Nurse at Riddle Brook School; Ali Puffer, School Counselor at Bedford High School; Lisa Pleate, Guidance Counselor at Memorial School; Carol Houde, Clinical Psychologist for Bedford School District; Zanna Blaney, Dean of Student Services at Bedford High School; Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools; Donna LaRue, Youth Counselor for Lurgio Middle School and Bedford High School; Bill Demers, Assistant Principal at Lurgio Middle School; Claudette Stone, Behavior Specialist at Lurgio Middle School; Mike Fournier, Principal of McKelvie Intermediate School; Priscilla McGinty, Guidance Counselor at McKelvie Intermediate School; and Cheryl Daley, Principal of Peter Woodbury School.

Monday, February 8, 2016


All after school activities have been cancelled today district wide.  This does not effect the New Morning School  After School Program that runs in our schools.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Deliberative Session Feb. 2 at 7:00 p.m., BHS Theater

Budget Information HERE.   All voters in Bedford are urged to come to the Bedford School District Deliberative Session on Tuesday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford High School Theater.  This is when the community either affirms or revises the School Board's proposed budget for 2016-17 (The budget is presented in the School District Warrant.) The proposed budget is $68.3M, a 3.9% increase over this year.  The increase is primarily because of personnel, health insurance benefits, and significant building maintenance.  Voting on the warrant is on Tuesday, March 8 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford High School gymnasium.  If the proposed budget is voted down, the default budget would be $2.3M lower.