Monday, February 10, 2020

'Intelligent Lives' Community and Bedford School District Film Event (posted 02.10.20)

Intelligent Lives

Intelligent Lives is a film by New Hampshire’s own Dan Habib. The film stars three young American adults with Intellectual Disabilities who challenge the perception of intelligence as they find their way through high school, college and the workforce. This film questions what it means to be intelligent and points to a future in which people of all abilities can participate in higher education, meaningful employment, and personal relationships.

Bedford School District, in partnership with Amherst School District, Merrimack School District, Manchester School District, the Bedford PTG, and St. Anselm’s Meelia Center, will be hosting a screening of the film on March 31, 2020 at 6:30 PM in the Bedford High School theatre. Following the film, there will be a question and answer session led by the filmmaker, Dan Habib.

Free tickets can be reserved at Eventbrite; 'Intelligent Lives' Community and BedfordSchool District Film Event