Friday, February 24, 2017

A Survey, An Election, and An Award

Community Members,
I have been amazed at how hard our students have been working over the last few weeks despite the challenging schedule caused by the weather.  I hope everyone enjoys some well-earned time relaxing with family and friends over the next week while school is not in session.  When students return, it will be March if you can believe it!  I have three quick notes that I want to share with the whole community.
Chip McGee

Survey of the Superintendent
Every year around this time, I ask the community for feedback through this survey. The survey takes about five minutes. I would appreciate your feedback so I can continue to improve.  I will keep it open though the next three weeks.

March 14 Elections
All eligible citizens are urged to vote in the Bedford School District and Town Council Elections. They will be held on March 14, 2017 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Bedford High School Gymnasium.  ​​The Town Meeting is the next night, March 15, in the Bedford High School Theater at 7:00 p.m.. ​Here are links to two programs regarding the vote.
Here is the information for filing an absentee ballot for those unable to be present on the day of the vote.

An Award
I am delighted to share with the entire Bedford community that our own Mike Fournier was selected as the 2017 New Hampshire Middle School Principal of the Year by the New Hampshire Association of School Principals! We are thrilled (and not at all surprised) that the NHASP has recognized in Mike the qualities we have come to value during his 16 years as a principal in Bedford.  Mike is deeply committed to the students, parents, staff, and the town of Bedford. HERE is a a really sweet photo from Mike and his family at the award ceremony.