Friday, February 12, 2016

Bedford School Employees Trained in Suicide Postvention

On December 09, 2015, twelve Bedford School District employees completed a 3-day Connect Suicide Prevention Training Program in sudden death to include suicide, conducted by NAMI NH, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. School staff trainers are: Michelle Ouellette, School Nurse at Riddle Brook School; Ali Puffer, School Counselor at Bedford High School; Lisa Pleate, Guidance Counselor at Memorial School; Carol Houde, Clinical Psychologist for Bedford School District; Zanna Blaney, Dean of Student Services at Bedford High School; Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools; Donna LaRue, Youth Counselor for Lurgio Middle School and Bedford High School; Bill Demers, Assistant Principal at Lurgio Middle School; Claudette Stone, Behavior Specialist at Lurgio Middle School; Mike Fournier, Principal of McKelvie Intermediate School; Priscilla McGinty, Guidance Counselor at McKelvie Intermediate School; and Cheryl Daley, Principal of Peter Woodbury School.
Everyone plays a part in suicide prevention.  NAMI NH is collaborating with the Makin’ It Happen Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Coalition to implement the Connect Program across the region. Postvention training promotes healing and reducing risk for all community members in the aftermath of a sudden death, to include suicide.  For more information about this recent training initiative, please contact Chip McGee, Bedford Superintendent, at #472-3755 ext. 7 or at  For more information on the Connect Program and suicide prevention efforts in New Hampshire, go to or to

 School staff trainers from left to right are: Michelle Ouellette, School Nurse at Riddle Brook School; Ali Puffer, School Counselor at Bedford High School; Lisa Pleate, Guidance Counselor at Memorial School; Carol Houde, Clinical Psychologist for Bedford School District; Zanna Blaney, Dean of Student Services at Bedford High School; Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools; Donna LaRue, Youth Counselor for Lurgio Middle School and Bedford High School; Bill Demers, Assistant Principal at Lurgio Middle School; Claudette Stone, Behavior Specialist at Lurgio Middle School; Mike Fournier, Principal of McKelvie Intermediate School; Priscilla McGinty, Guidance Counselor at McKelvie Intermediate School; and Cheryl Daley, Principal of Peter Woodbury School.